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Entries in Grant Morrison (9)


Morrison's New X-Men on Sale at ComiXology

Morrison x men comixology sale

Grant Morrison's groundbreaking run on New X-Men is on sale at ComiXology for half-off, just $0.99 per issue through 11:00 PM ET tonight (January 13).

[Grant Morrison New X-Men sale page - ComiXology]


Action Comics #1 Preview

Perhaps the single most anticipated title of DC's New 52, the already sold-out Action Comics #1 shows a very different Superman, sticking it to the man and standing up for the little guy. Grant Morrison once again redefines the Man of Steel, along, with one of my favorite artists working today, Rags Morales. Personally, I'm very psyched for this one. Check out the preview below and let me know what you think.


Grant Morrison Sings

Oh, and it's a song written by John Lennon's ghost. And communicated to Grant during a magic writing ritual back in the days of The Invisibles. It's not the best song Lennon's ever allegedly written, but it's better then anything I've heard from McCartney in a while. Grant's not the world's best singer, but he plays a pretty mean guitar.


'Grant Morrison: Talking with Gods' Streaming on Hulu for Free in U.S.

Comics god and Supergods author Grant Morrison is profiled in the documentary Grant Morrison: Talking with Gods, which is currently streaming for free on Hulu. Sadly, as of this writing, its only available in the U.S., which sucks, but like much of the corporate ridiculousness surrounding the cable-cutting movement, is well beyond the scope of my influence.

Many comics greats including Karen Berger, Jill Thompson, Cameron Stewart and Frazer Irving are interviewed, as are cultural luminaries like Douglas Rushkoff and Disinformation founder Richard Metzger. Check it out, if you're able!


The New DCU: The Video Pitch

Well, they're not lacking in enthusiasm, I'll say that much. In a video that is heavy on the optimism and light on the humility, DC's Dan Didio, Jim Lee, Grant Morrison, Bob Harras and Eddie Berganza lay on the hard sell for the New DC.

Apparently, the best is yet to come, for real this time. What do you think, folks? Are we excited for September?


Grant Morrison Talks New Action Comics No. 1 

At this stage in the run-up to the DC Comics reboot, all we can do is speculate, and try to decide how we feel based on what we see and hear.

Seeing the Teen Titans promotional art kinda gave me douche chills.

Hearing Grant Morrison - a man who knows how to inject new life into Superman if ever there was one - talk about his approach for Action Comics #1, makes me happy. Whatever else you can say about this seismic change at DC, its difficult to remember a time in history when Superman, the ultimate, original, superhero, was more creatively stagnant. He needs an injection of Morrison and Rags, stat!


Grant Morrison to Hollywood: Don’t make Superman a ‘limp and wimpy punch bag’

via Hero Complex - Los Angeles Times

Grant Morrison can watch his version of the Man of Steel fly across the screen now with today’s home-video release of the animated “All-Star Superman,” but the acclaimed comics writer is as eager as everyone else to see what producer Christopher Nolan, director Zack Snyder and star Henry Cavill come up with as they try to get a live-action Superman film off the ground.



Grant Morrison’s Batman, Inc. Births Comics’ First Zen Billionaire

via Underwire

The writer is betting the house on franchising Writer Grant Morrison is betting the house on franchising The Dark Knight's deathless brand in his new comic book series, Batman, Inc. But is 21st-century capitalism ready for Earth's finest Zen billionaire?



2009 Harvey Awards Winners

The 2009 Harvey Awards were announced the evening of Saturday (August 28) at the Baltimore Comic Con.

Considering how long it takes the dang thing to come out, you might be surprised to note that All-Star Superman did quite well, taking multiple awards, but kudos to the academy for putting quality over quantity.

And, uh, timeliness I guess.

Writer Mark Evanier took multiple awards for his excellent book Kirby: King of Comics, which was not only well-deserved but very nice to see the late King's legacy acknowledged on August 28, which was Jack's birthday.

The complete list of 2009 Harvey Award winners is as follows:

  • Best Writer – Grant Morrison, All-Star Superman, Dc Comics
  • Best Artist – Gabriel Ba, Umbrella Academy, Dark Horse Comics
  • Best Cartoonist – Al Jaffee, Tall Tales, Abrams Books
  • Best Letterer – John Workman, Marvel 1985, Marvel Comics
  • Best Inker – Mark Morales, Thor, Marvel Comics
  • Best Colorist – Dave Stewart, Umbrella Academy, Dark Horse Comics
  • Best Cover Artist – James Jean, Fables, Vertigo Comics
  • Best New Series – Echo, Abstract Studios
  • Best Continuing or Limited Series – All-Star Superman, Dc Comics
  • Best Biographical, Historical or Journalistic Presentation –Kirby: King of Comics, Mark Evanier, Abrams Books
  • Best Syndicated Strip or Panel – Mutts, Patrick Mcdonnell, King Features Syndicate
  • Best Anthology – Comic Book Tattoo, Edited by Rantz Hoseley, Image Comics
  • Best Graphic Album — Original – Too Cool to Be Forgotten, Top Shelf
  • Best Graphic Album — Previously Published – Nat Turner, Abrams Books
  • Best Single Issue or Story – Y: the Last Man #60, Vertigo Comics
  • Best Domestic Reprint Project – Complete Peanuts, Fantagraphics Books
  • Best American Edition of Foreign Material – Gus and His Gang, First Second
  • Best On-Line Comics Work – High Moon, Scott O. Brown, Www.Zudacomics.Com
  • Special Award for Humor in Comics – Al Jaffee, Tall Tales, Abrams Books
  • Special Award for Excellence in Presentation – Kirby: King of Comics, Mark Evanier, Abrams Books
  • Best New Talent – Bryan J.L. Glass, the Mice Templar, Image Books