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Entries in Conan O'Brien (2)


MC Anne Hathaway Gets Grimy On 'Conan'

Anne Hathaway can roll like Catwoman, and spit rhymes like you wouldn't believe. And yeah, all those leaked photos and videos, and being followed around the Pittsburgh set of The Dark Knight Rises 24/7? I could see how it might get to a girl.

An artist to her core, Hathaway has channeled her frustration into song, which she showcased on Conan on TBS last night.

"With all the stuff that's going on with Batman, the paparazzi attention's been a little intense," she said. 

"So I actually wrote a rap song about it; it's in the style of Lil Wayne."

Nothing like writing a rap song in the style of Li'l Wayne to vent your frustation. And Ms. Hathaway has mad skillz, as seen in this clip. Check it out!


'The Flaming C' Trailer

What began as a gag when Conan O'Brien met with DC Animation god Bruce Timm last December... continued as a gag at Comic-Con. Coming sometime to someplace, maybe, it's The Flaming C!