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Entries in Boondocks (11)


Awesome News 2: 'The Boondocks' Will Return With Season 4

Well this is a total shocker, and truly spectacular news for fans of great animation: months after fairly definitive reports to the contrary, The Boondocks is officially returning to Adult Swim with a fourth season.

Screen Rant got the news at Comic-Con from casting director extraordinaire Andrea Romano (Batman: The Animated Series, Pinky and the Brain, Avatar: The Last Airbender, etc.)

They’re making new ones – I just got word they’re gonna make another season. Can you believe it? After all this time. It’s been out of production for almost two years…The line producer sent me an email and said ‘I believe it’s snowing in hell – do you know what that means?’ and I said, ‘Are we making more episodes?’ Because we all said ‘It’ll snow in hell before we make more,’ because we just never thought after that much time they would [make it]. But apparently there is a fanbase desire and I love the show. I love making the show.

And we love watching it. Boondocks creator Aaron McGruder never officially said "it's over," but quite a few well-connected websites reported that the show was finished, and Adult Swim ran some rather sad bumpers to the effect of [if Aaron ever wants to make more, we'd love to air them - but don't hold your breath].

Not to mention - spoiler alert! - Boondocks season three frequently touched on the theme of finality, and ended in spectacular fashion that suggested there was no way that the show was coming back.

Snowing in hell, indeed. I am super-psyched to see this wonderful show return. They're not known for prompt production time, however, so don't be surprised if it's a pretty long wait before Huey, Riley, and Grandad return.


Boondocks Season 3 DVD gets release date

At long last - according to, at least - we have a release date for the highly-anticipated DVD release of The Boondocks: The Complete Third Season.

Drumroll... November 9!  Just 6 days from now.

Assuming Amazon is correct.  They've estimated the date on this one once or twice, and subsequently postponed it - they could have been getting their information from the distributor, who isn't in direct communication with Adult Swim, or Aaron McGruder might be throwing in last-minute extras - these things are beyond my knowledge and control.  

However, it seems very unlikely that they would finally post a release date, less than a week from today, without a great deal of confidence in its accuracy.

And Tuesdays are "new DVD release days" after all. And Wednesday is new comics, and Thursday we try and explain why we can't afford this month's rent.

Anyway, I pre-ordered back in June and I've just received an e-mail telling me to expect my DVD by November 12.  You can place your order for the excellent third - and in all likelihood, final - season of the Boondocks on DVD here.


Obama election documentary takes me back to the glory days - of the Boondocks

I'm way behind our President, and it really was a beautiful thing that he was elected.  Out of the two candidates, he was the infinitely better choice, and what a wonderful moment in history! The fact that he's kinda sitting out the fight while our country erupts into Civil War because he can't magically fix things overnight, I'm not nuts about. Ya gotta fight to win, Obeezy!

That said, it really was a beautiful, if sadly short-lived, moment of hope and unity.  It's telling, however, that I'm more nostalgic these days for the brilliant, but apparently canceled, Boondocks.  Canceled may not be the word I'm looking for here. My understanding is that Cartoon Network/Adult Swim wants it back, but for reasons unknown Aaron McGruder isn't interested.  Such a shame.  The season three opener, you may recall, featured a documentary much like the one featured above, including this gem of a tribute to Barack from and Thugnificent: 

What you most likely didn't see, was the president's response to the clip, posted at Boondocks Bootleg

Still, I'm looking forward to 11-4-08; and, of course, to the release of the Boondocks season three DVD set. Which, last I heard, was set for release in - sigh - November.


X-Club: Pause!

Way to terrify the autistic in the room, Dr. Nemesis.  Impeccable social skills as always.

Remember Madison, just keep telling yourself:

"My booty is mine, it belongs to me.  You cannot take my boo-ty."

Sigh - Boondocks withdrawal, spilling over into my X-Men event one-shots, like this one (X-Men: Blind Science.

Yes, I know I'm still catching up.  There are like 9 concurrent events at any one time now at each of the big two.


Boondocks Season Three DVD Set Gets (Approximate) Release Date

So tonight is either the season or the series finale of the Boondocks.  I sincerely hope it's the former, but in any case season three has come to an end and that means a sweet DVD set in the near future.

As I do with many Adult Swim shows, I pre-ordered the season from Amazon before the season even premiered, and they recently contacted me to let me know that a release date has been set.

After sending me several e-mails saying that they still had no delivery estimate for me, Amazon notified me yesterday that they now expect that I will receive The Boondocks: The Complete Third Season between November 8-12, 2010.  Not quite an official, locked-in release date - but getting close.

I'll update again when I do know when the box set is set to drop, and I'll be watching the season three finale "It's Goin' Down" tonight, hoping that it's not the end of the road for this great show.


Will The Boondocks Really End Sunday Night?

This season of Aaron McGruder‘s award winning, satirical comic-turned-cartoon The Boondocks began on a bittersweet note. The promotional trailer opened with the words “The Final Season.” However, with only one episode to go, details on the truth in this statement as well as reasons for the departure of the hit series have been virtually nonexistent. To make matters worse, the network (Adult Swim) remains ambiguous as to whether or not we can all kiss Huey, Riley, and the gang goodbye.

For one thing, in the promos that have aired all week the upcoming and final episode is touted as a “season finale,” not a “series finale.” On top of that,, described as the “official unofficial website of The Boondocks” and launched/approved by McGruder himself, has a thread that allows fans of the series to pitch ideas for new episodes for the series. Hit animated series Family Guy has employed this same tactic, so it may be that some of the ideas get used or that they at least provide starting points for episodes and story arcs for the series. At any rate, the series may not be over yet.


Man I hope this isn't the end. A recent Adult Swim bump featured viewer mail, inquiring as to whether there may one day be a Boondocks movie - the reply was that, given the 3-year waiting period between seasons, they didn't see Aaron McGruder and Co. taking more time off to make a feature film. No mention of this being the last season in that bump, or in any other promos I've seen, except for the pre-season trailers featured on

Can anyone confirm or deny this? Preferably deny?


This Is What I Do When I'm Hungry


The Boondocks gets to go out with a season - or possibly series finale this Sunday, but my friends and family will forevermore have to listen to my mantra "Mah babies want their muh-f**kin' chicken!" when I'm feeling peckish.

Damn you, Aaron MacGruder!  I am a white!  Childless!  Man!

Not cool.  Plus this is one of the best Adult Swim shows ever and that's saying an awful lot.  Three-year waiting periods between seasons are a drag, but losing the show permanently would be a lot worse.


Why it's a bad idea to "turn your backside" on a naked vampire in True Blood [True Blood Recap]

via io9

We learned many valuable lessons from this week's True Blood, such as how dating a vampire never allows for enough time to make a shitty scrapbook, how to tan cry, and the ABCs of vampire hate-sexin'. Enjoy the NSFWness. Read More >>

My booty is mine, it belongs to me. You cannot take my boo-ty!


New Boondocks Tonight: The Color Ruckus

Yeeeaah boyee new Boondocks episode!  Yes, it would seem that at least part of the plot has been seen before in one of the greatest-ever King of the Hill episodes.

Don't care.  I will never tire of the "this bitch wants to die in my house!" trope.

Well, never say never - but I can certainly put up with it twice in one decade.  And I want to meet the rest of Ruckus' family!