Marvel's Next Big Thing: Cable Springs Back
Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at 3:43PM | Matt Sager
Comic deaths are a funny thing. I mean look, they're fictional characters, but good fiction asks the reader to invest a certain amount of emotion in characters and their story arcs, so it's weird when a guy sacrifices his life in a very noble way, only to return and - I'm guessing, kill all the Avengers, from the looks of it?
This interesting looking event, part of Jeph Loeb's "Cable Reborn," is called "Avengers: X-Sanction." Here's what Loeb and Tom Brevoort had to say about it in on Marvel.com.
[Jeph] Loeb says he sees Cable as the Captain America of the X-Universe.
"What would you do if you found out that something was going to happen to your daughter?" Loeb says of the Avengers: X-Sanction hook.
"The last thing that Hope saw was Cable sacrifice himself in a very beautifully drawn but horrific moment," Loeb says. "What's the next step after that? Where does the story pick up after that?" Loeb continues, saying the series will examine Cable's place not only in the X-Men, but also the Marvel Universe in general.
"How Cable survived Second Coming and what his responsibility is to his daughter" would be among the issues dealt with in the series, according to Loeb. The writer continued, saying that the Avengers' stance towards Hope's future causes Cable to take an "aggressive" position towards them.
"What Cable is up to, because it's Cable, will not be done quietly," Loeb says. "It'll raise the interest of some pretty important people — let's just say, leaders in the X-Men community will have to step up at some point in this storyline."
"If you are interested in the character, and the story does excite you," Loeb says that the book will give you an opportunity to pick up past comics featuring the Cable, if you choose to do so.
Loeb says the story has to do with what's coming in 2012 in a very, very big way.
Loeb won't be addressing Bishop in the series. "I think that issue was rather neatly sewn up," the writer says. "Certainly Cable's mission, and his willingness to do what's necessary, will have repercussions in the very people he cares about."
"There are real comparisons with Tony Stark and Iron Man," Loeb says. "Iron Man sees himself as a futurist, and what is that like when he goes against someone who is actually from the future?"
tagged Avengers, Avengers: X-Sanction, Cable, Cable Reborn, Jeph Loeb, X-Men
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