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Cosplayers Laugh at 'Man of Steel' Superman Suit


Sad-face Harley Quinn and working-on-her-standup Batgirl do not approve of Henry Cavill's Man of Steel Superman costume with the belt-less buckle and the lack of outer-worn underwear. Batgirl in particular feels so strongly that she goes from adorable to grating and right back to adorable again. She's very close to ready for open mic night. Harley's just Harley.

Many of those in attendance at last week's Dragon*Con found reasons to scoff at the Man of Steel costume, though some approved - this fellow, for instance.

So, that's - good?  Yeah, that cheered Superman right up - look at him, he's REALLY excited!.

Not sure I want that in 3D. All right, here's a bunch of Dragon*Con attendees having fun at the expense of the GD Superman.

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