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Crazy New 'Conan' Poster Lets You Control the View

The latest interactive poster for the upcoming Conan the Barbarian reboot is seriously impressive. Granted, the first such Conan poster, released in March, was interactive and gave the average Flash plug-in a pretty decent workout.

This time around, there's an entire new level of interactivity. Click here to see, and control, the action. Move your mouse around in there, and watch the carnage unfold. That's some right proper barbarian-ing, by Crom! It also sets the tone nicely for a 3D movie - it's about as 3D a promotional image as I've seen for any movie to date, and it really raises the bar. if Conan the Barbarian is anywhere near as good a film as its promotional material warrants, it will be phenomenal indeed.

[New interactive Conan the Babarian poster]

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