Batwoman: the Movie
DC just can't seem to get that Batwoman book on the stands, can they? After burning through two creative teams and missing two deadlines, it's become the comic that dare not speak it's name, a funnybook MacBeth that dooms all who come in contact with it.
It's a shame, as strong female characters are in need at the big two publishers, and Batwoman remains a spectacular character. While you wait, you might as well get comfortable and enjoy this gloriously awful trailer for the movie that desperately tried to cash in on a very different kind of Bat-mania than the one we're enjoying today - one that involved go-go dancing.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you The Wild World of Batwoman. Which, for reasons due to the changing tides of pop culture, lawyers, or a combination of the two, was eventually retitled Hippy Vampire.
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