Robin Revealed in 'Batman: Arkham City'
Best Buy was the source of last week's announcement that Robin would be a playable character in Batman: Arkham City when they announced that he would be unlocked to gamers who pre-ordered from their website. Well today they've updated the announcement to include new details and more importantly - a look at Robin himself.
That's Tim Drake, all right. Not how he'll look in the DC Universe come September of course - or how he's looked ever (skinhead much?), but close enough for disco. We've got the staff, and a general air of badassery, along with a black, white and red color scheme in keeping with Arkham City's uniquely dark vision of the DCU.
In any case, the game looks awesome and the playable Robin, while doubtlessly DLC that will be available to everyone, is officially enticing enough that I just pre-ordered the game from Best Buy, my first purchase from the chain in some 7 years or so.
Hey, they've thrown in a Red Robin skin, how was I supposed to resist?
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