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So, the other day I posed the question: are the gorgeous laserdisc games of old, now resurrected on the iPhone, too difficult and inflexible to play by today’s standards, or is it me? In short, are the games past their prime, or am I?

(Thanks for nobody answering, and leaving me with a huge psychological complex by the way, I really appreciate that!)

Regardless of whether their gameplay lives up to today’s standards (and really, if they don’t that’s more than understandable ‘cause these games came out before most of you were born, and guess what? None of the other games from that era live up to our current standards either) - games like Dragon’s Lair and Space Ace, with art by animation legend Don Bluth, are freaking beautiful.

I mean, they’re breathtaking by today’s hi-def, CGI gaming standards. In light of that, I wish I could describe the sense of awe and wonder that they inspired back in the early ’80s, standing next to their peers like freakin’ Missile Command.

It was like being in a museum, with a pencil sketch by a second-grader hanging next to a Rembrandt.

So, regardless of my inability to accompany Dirk the Daring o his missions to save sexy princesses for more than five minutes or so before watching myself turn into a crumbling skeleton, I’m pretty psyched by the new Dragon’s Lair wall art from LTL Prints.

As you can see, there’s a wide array of sweet Bluth pictures to choose from, and the size range is even larger - you can get a $15.00 jammy for your laptop, or a beautiful HUGE 7 footer to make your walls look like a museum of cool.

What makes LTL really stand out for this kind of product is ease of use and, re-usability. The stuff is auto-adhesive, and peels off easily without tearing or leaving, for lack of a better term, wall-goop. And more importantly, it stays sticky, so you can move and reposition them. LTL says you can remove and re-use their graphics for 100 times without risk.

If you need more than 100, I can’t do nothin’ for ya man. Ya best talk to somebody about your compulsive redecorating addiction. The first step is admitting you have a problem.

Anyway, I think this stuff is pretty cool, I don’t know if I’m gonna spring for a 7-footer, but I’m definitely gettin’ something. And maybe - when my iPad allegedly arrives on the 30th - I’ll be able to improve my gaming skillz by playing on a bigger screen.