Hah! Marvel Comics - one foot in the future, another in the paleolithic era.
Apparently Marvel Comics is a 54-year-old male, interested in “friends and activity partners”. The poor guy has no gifts in his Treasure Chest! Somebody give Mr. Comics a present!
That’s a real URL and a real Marvel Comics Friendster page, folks. Somebody forgot to take it down - they probably assumed Friendster had just gone out of business and forgot all about it.
Kitty playing with iPad = death by cuteness.
While we wait out the release of Iron Man 2, here’s a sweet little somethin’-somethin’ to tide us over.
I say this every time, but only because it’s true - Marvel appears to have raised the bar yet again for motion comics, with their adaptation of the classic Warren Ellis/Adi Granov Iron Man storyline “Extremis”.
Hey, a storyline doesn’t have to be a billion years old to be a classic! This is one of the greatest, definitive Iron Man stories of the modern age, told by a ridonkulously talented creative team.
The first installment of the Extremis motion comic will be available for download from iTunes Friday April 16.
Damn I hope my iPad gets here by then…
As I wait - sigh - for my 3G iPad to arrive (Apple already mailed me the case and cradle/keyboard, just to add insult to injury. They sit there, empty, a constant reminder of my padless-ness), I look forward to doing cool stuff like - surprise - reading comics. Comics apps are like 90% of why I bought the dang thing in the first place. Check out MediaBistro’s video review of the very cool-looking Marvel Comics app. It also exists on the iPhone, and frankly it doesn’t impress me much on that platform. However, it looks verrry cool on the iPad.
So bummed that I have to wait another few weeks for my iPad - I know that ordering the 3G was the right thing to do - have you seen those sweet maps? I bet I can get a zoom on any one of you indoors and peeing if I want.
Which I don’t, by the way, just saying that’s how badass those maps are.
I’m trying to ease the pain by finding the goofiest apps that I’m not accidentally blowing my money on, rather than lamenting the great apps I have to wait for.
For instance, which genius thought that iBone was a good name for a wind instrument app?
Like me, Dagger ordered the 3G iPad, and so she won’t be getting her new toy tomorrow like most people.
Me and you, Tandy, we gotta wait a few extra weeks. I feel your pain, love.