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Entries in New 52 (6)


DC's New TV Spots

The first big wave of New 52 trade collections is rolling out, and DC is promoting them with these two new television spots. Retailers who run the ads locally will have 75% of the costs covered by DC, which seems only fair.


Check out the New Batmobile

The greatest car ever is getting a new look for a new world, as Greg Capullo tweeted this teaser image of his new Batmobile, set to make its debut in Batman #9.

Greg Capullo New Batmobile


New 52 Second Wave #1 Titles 40% Off at TFAW is offering a 40% discount on pre-orders of all six New 52 Second Wave #1 Issues. You can pick up Batman Incorporated, Dial H, Earth 2, GI Combat, Worlds' Finest and The Ravagers #1 for just $11.94. Click here for the sale page.


Action Comics #5 Preview

Superman's origin is retold for the New 52 in Action Comics #5, in stores January 4.

As the assault from an alien threat takes a turn for the worse for Metropolis, keys facts about Superman's past are brought to light for the first time! And how can certain elements from The Man of Steel's future help to prevent the theft of the millennium? Don't miss this awesome issue from series writer Grant Morrison and the guest art team of Andy Kubert and Jesse Delperdang!


Back to the Fridge: The New 52's Take on Women Skewered in Comic Strip

There's no getting around it: DC Comics has an image problem. Co-Publisher Dan DiDio followed up on a major housecleaning of female talent and characters with a series of convention panels at which he lambasted women and the men who like them, and that was before the public got a jaw-dropping look at the new Catwoman and Starfire in Red Hood and the Outlaws.

The New 52 may be many things, but diverse it is not. It became passé rather quickly to continue to call attention to this (not to mention you risk a verbal lashing from mssr. DiDio if you ask about it at a con), but that hasn't stopped Ladyfingers, the comic strip of, from putting together this list of faults with the DCnU, complete with footnotes to back up their argument.


Jim Lee's Darkseid

…And boom goes the dynamite!

Jim Lee's Darkseid makes his New 52 debut in Justice League #4, in stores December 21.