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Entries in Avengers (175)


Cap vs. Cyclops in AvX #2 Teaser

The leaders of the Avengers and X-Men face off and give each other nasty face looks in the latest AvX teaser. Now somebody throw a punch, or a shield, or eye blast or something!

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Japanese 'Avengers' Trailer

The new Japanese trailer for The Avengers looks awesome, and has everything but a speaking line for poor Hawkeye. Maria Hill, however, does speak, and new footage is shown, along with great scenes from the footage already seen in the U.S. I still have no clue who Loki's alien henchmen are, however. Any thoughts?


New Behind the Scenes 'Avengers' Pic

Interesting variation on a theme here, as Mark Ruffalo rocks a purple shirt, yet not pants on the set as Bruce Banner. Ruffalo is joined by Robert Downey, Jr. and director Joss Whedon in this picture from behind the scenes of The Avengers.


Cage vs. Namor in Latest AvX Teaser

The dirty fighting in AvX #2 continues in this teaser, in which Namor delivers a speech about his badassery to Luke Cage, who just cold cocks him. Ouchies!

avx 2 teaser


Japanese 'Avengers' Ad

The Avengers, in and out of costume. And, uh, Nick Fury in his fancy and casual eyepatches. Avengers fever hits Japan!


Hulk Hits Colossus From The Rear in New AvX Teaser

Yeah, you read that right. Snappy patter is exchanged as senior citizen Rulk fights dirty on this teaser image for AvX #2.

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Secret Avengers #28 Cover

Alan Davis illustrates the cover of Secret Avengers #28, which sees Thor and Ms. Marvel - looking a bit like her days as Binary - facing off against the Phoenix.

The war to save the Marvel Universe continues this June as the Avengers go head to head against the X-Men while the all-powerful Phoenix Force hurtles towards Earth! You've heard It’s Coming—and this April The War Is Here in Avengers VS X-Men! All your favorite super heroes enter—and only one team will emerge victorious!
Secret avengers 28 cover


Avengers vs. X-Men #5 Cover Revealed

Bird is the word on the cover of Avengers vs. X-Men #5, as Captain America, Wolverine and Cyclops appear to take some damage from something very Phoenix-like. As for me, I'm reading a lot into one choice line from the solicit:

"all hope is lost?"

AVENGERS VS X-MEN #5 (of 12)

Avengers Team Variant Also Available
X-Men Team Variant Also Available
Stegman Sketch Variant Also Available
• The fiery conclusion of Act One brought to you by Matt Fraction and John Romita Jr!
• Clashing on a lunar battlefield, the tide of the conflict will be turned…
• The Phoenix takes its host! All hope is lost?!


German 'Avengers' Trailer Ist Epich

Oh Tony, look at you teasing Captain America and Bruce Banner! You'd better pray that's some strong armor you're wearing!

Robert Downey Jr. steals the show in this German trailer for The Avengers, featuring some footage we've seen, and some that most of us haven't. The fact that I don't speak the language is unfortunate, but doesn't make it any less awesome. Tha said, translations are welcome in the comments.

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