The Wonder Woman of Earth 2
Thursday, March 1, 2012 at 10:25AM | Matt Sager
We've seen the Batman and Robin of Earth 2, now meet the parallel Earth's version of Wonder Woman, The 'Second Wave' of DC's New 52 introduces Earth 2, a concept familiar to fans of pre-reboot DC. Unlike the original Earth 2, home to the heroes from the Golden Age of comics, this world would seem to be more similar to the world of Flashpoint.
Writer James Robinson discusses the motivations of this Wonder Woman on The Source:
“Due the events that open the saga of EARTH 2, Wonder Woman is already the last Amazon of this world and she is determined to avenge her sisters…at whatever cost."
Hence the big sword, then. This world's heroes come ready to fight! Check out Jim Lee's design for Earth 2's Wonder Woman, and let me know what you think.
tagged Earth 2, Wonder Woman
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