'Earth 2' and 'Worlds' Finest' Covers Revealed
Friday, February 10, 2012 at 2:40PM | Matt Sager
The new DC is looking more like the old DC, as the covers for Earth 2 and Worlds' Finest see a return of the multiverse, and Power Girl's New 52 debut.
Ivan Reis and Joe Prado's cover for Earth 2 depicts alternate, Justice Society versions of Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman battling what appear to be Parademons of Apokolips.
On the cover of Worlds' Finest, George Perez shows Power Girl and Huntress, featuring PeeGee's new, more practical costume and a hair style that looks a bit familiar.
Both titles are set to debut in May. Worlds' Finest will be written by Paul Levitz and art will be handled by Perez and Kevin Maguire on alternating story arcs, while Earth 2 will be written by James Robinson with art by Nicola Scott.
tagged Earth 2, Worlds' Finest
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