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Loki Actor Confirms Mighty Marvel Multi-Picture Deal

And there came a day, unlike any other...

So begins the origin of the Avengers, who came together to battle the god mischief, the biggest dickwad in the nine realms, Loki.

From 1963's Avengers #1 through the recent Siege mega-event, Loki looms large over all things Avengers. So perhaps it shouldn't come as too big a shock that Tom Hiddleston, who is portraying the ultimate dick brother in the upcoming Thor, is under contract to appear in more films from Marvel, who has made no secret of its plans to turn the Avengers in to the biggest comics film franchise EVAR.

Hiddleston spilled the beans to Italian magazine Comicus, as quoted (and translated) by Splash Page:

“When I signed my contract, I signed to play Loki in five more Marvel movies, but they were unspecified," he explained. "So, if there will be more movies or not remains to be seen, but I like the idea of Loki turning up in the shadows when people least expect him."

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    Source: Comicus
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    Source: via Splash Page

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