Smallville: Absolute Justice - Hawkman, Dr. Fate and... Doctor Sivana and Ed McMahon?

Here’s hoping the upcoming Smallville “2 Hour Event” featuring classic DCU heroes doesn’t bare any similarity to the last time we saw Hawkman on live-action TV!


Size matters: The Atom’s taste in women has always been awful - before committing himself to a relationship with the bitchy, schizophrenic, cheating - and oh yeah, murderous, Jean Loring, he had a short (ba-dum-bum-tss!) fling with with Giganta, as seen in another clip from the ridiculous Legends of the Superheroes TV special.

I guess opposites do attract.


The Weather Wizard gets a lukewarm reception when he tries out his stand-up routine on an audience of DC’s finest heroes - and Ed McMahon, for some reason. From the same bizarre TV special - 1979’s Legends of the Superheroes - that brought you Ghettoman!


Here’s a superhero who won‘t be appearing on the upcoming JSA episode of Smallville.
