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Merry Marvel Music Society:

Here’s another track from ’70s prog-rockers Icarus, from their concept album The Marvel World of Icarus (If you missed my first post about these groovy ghoulies, click here to check out their ode to Daredevil, “Man Without Fear”.

Because you demanded it - probably - here’s another Marvel-ous Icarus track. Dig this Grimm tune, “Thing’s Thing”!

It’s not about what you hope it’s about, but that doesn’t make it any less groovy.

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At some point I’m gonna have to do a whole piece about the crazy early ’70s prog rock band Icarus and their wacky Marvel superhero concept album The Marvel World of Icarus. In the meantime, since writing about it doesn’t really do it justice, I’m just gonna start posting some tracks. I’ll dedicate this one to Christine from The Other Murdock Papers, for obvious reasons.

May I present Icarus and their (very) lost classic, “The Man Without Fear”!
