— | Bill Willingham bares his fangs at Dark Horse Editor Scott Allie and, um, Joss Whedon. Vampire wars! Throw in a 15-year-old girl and we’ve got a box office hit on our hands here. |

The sixth - and final - Astonishing X-Men: Gifted motion comic is available from iTunes today. This is easily the best motion comic yet, not just because of the excellent source material but because it represents a huge leap forward in animation style, thanks in no small part to the work of the legendary Neal Adams and his Continuity Studios. Between the spectacular visuals and stellar voice cast (and the aforementioned source material), AXM: Gifted represents a huge leap forward for motion comics.
It’s also really fun to look at the pretty moving pictures!

Fox: “Cancel #Dollhouse, what’s the worst that’ll happen? Joss will go nuts and become a supervillain? I’d like to see that!”