“Get it? Battle of the Bulge?”
This has an Advance Wars feel to it.
Captain America - The Movie | Carlos Valenzuela
“Get it? Battle of the Bulge?”
This has an Advance Wars feel to it.
Captain America - The Movie | Carlos Valenzuela
“Goldurn it! Now that I’m 104, I’m getting crow’s feet! How long before I need Cialis to do the ‘Horizontal Lindy Hop’ with Agent 13?”
Cap: ♫ Lookin’ like a fool with your pants on the ground! With the gold in your mouth, hat turned sideways…♫
“OK, I just traveled up and down the timestream, basically relived my 90-year life all over again - they haven’t invented the word to describe just how badly I gotta poop!”
I will wear this uniform with pride, but with a heavy heart; for it symbolizes the responsibility placed in my by FDR, when he tasked me with defeating the forces of evil and winning Top Design World War II.
Ah, so that’s how Rebirth ends. No wonder it’s behind schedule - this presents some serious continuity issues!