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Entries in Justice League International (3)


Justice League International #9 preview

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Here's a look at Justice League International #9 from writer Dan Jurgens and artist Aaron Lopresti, in stores May 2.


It's the Justice League International against O.M.A.C in a fight to the finish! Special crossover with this month's Firestorm #9!          


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Aaron Lopresti's Cover Art for Justice League International #1

Lopresti JLI Cover Art

Ladies and gentlemen, meet your new JLI team!

Aaron Lopresti will be doing the art for the new Justice League International series, launching in the aftermath of Justice League: Generation Lost. Dan Jurgens is writing the series.

And here is Aaron's line art for the cover to issue #1. Nice, right? JLI is one of my all-time favorite titles, so my excitement at this is about is pretty much through the roof.

How about you, new fans and old? What are your thoughts on the creative team, the new JLI roster, and the book as a whole?


Fire and Ice Cosplay Girls

Justice League: Generation Lost has come to a close, but I sincerely hope that the powerhouse team of Fire and Ice play a role in the upcoming Justice League International series.

In the meantime, we have super-sexy cosplay girls, and - well, that's pretty cool, too.