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Entries in Digital Comics (70)


Nicholas Brendan launches webcomic

Nicholas Brendon aka Xander in 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'

Buffy the Vampire Slayer co-star Nicholas Brendan is to launch a webcomic.

The actor, who played Xander Harris in the television show, will be at Wizard World Chicago Comic Con promoting Very Bad Koalas.

Collaborating with animation director and producer Steve Loter and illustrator Rafael Santiago, the comic follows the adventures of Avery and Irving, two koalas on the run from the authorities in their 1958 Cadillac El Dorado.

It charts the strange encounters they have along the way and their struggle with addiction.

"If you follow the news at all you probably know - it's not really a secret - I have a little addiction problem that I get arrested for from time to time," Brendan told Chicago Now. "God bless sobriety!

"But I think Avery is going to have a problem with his eucalyptus intake. Because the whole thing about koalas is that they're fierce creatures, and what keeps them mellow is the eucalyptus, that acts like a catnip for them."

Out of rehab and on the web; good show, Nic! Stay out of trouble and right what ya know!


iPad boosts appeal of digital comics

(CNN) -- In just a few short months, Apple's iPad has become a popular mobile tool for web surfing, watching TV and reading electronic books. But its biggest impact may come in a lesser-known area of multimedia: digital comics. The best-selling "Scott Pilgrim" graphic novel series was released this week as an iPad app to coincide with Friday's release of the movie, "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World." Many more iPad comic-book titles are expected soon.


The digital revolution marches on - seriously, this is an important story to keep track of - for fans of comics this is the single most important story in the business right now.

Daredevil ain't ending. Bruce Wayne will be back, and soon.

If you're worried about the future of your favorite characters, what you need to be concerned with is comics following in the footsteps of all other popular media and making as smooth a transition to digital as possible.

Also, reading comics on the ipad is so cool!


New App Brings Scott Pilgrim to iPad, iPhone

via Underwire
Here’s a first look at the new Scott Pilgrim app that brings Bryan Lee O’Malley’s graphic novel series to iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. The free app, which includes some free chapters, is powered by comiXology’s digital comics platform. The first five volumes of the Scott Pilgrim series cost $7 each to download; the final 200-page volume costs $12.



Who Are These Lapsed Comics iPad Readers Anyway?

Digital comics have been big news for a while, but the iPad is be the current big dog getting the attention, with even DC Comics—traditionally the least tech-friendly major publisher—jumping into the fray with their app. Retailers fret about losing customers. Publishers dream of getting new readers, or at least getting some lapsed ones back.


Marvel miniseries heads straight for app

via Comics - Digital Spy - News
Marvel Comics are continuing to push their iPhone/iPad app as a viable new medium for reading comics by releasing issues of a new miniseries onto the app only a week after they are published in print.

Heroic Age: One Month to Live will be a five-issue weekly series, and will become one of the few titles Marvel will release on the app only shortly after it appears in print.



ROBOT 13 hits 100K downloads mark

via The Beat

ROBOT 13, the stylish steampunk fantasy comic by Thomas Hall and Daniel Bradford, has just become one of the first independently produced comics to push past the 100,000 download mark on iTunes and Android, according to a press release from e-distributor Robot Comics.Read More >>

Jul312010 - New Platform, New Comics

Digital comics publisher - one company out of many leading the digital comics revolution, has made some bold moves in this, SDCC season, the time one wants to make such moves.

First off, they finally have an iPad app!  It is, in my opinion, pretty damn sweet.  But you know, you don't have to take my word for it, it's free and all so you can just grab it here and if you don't like it - nothing ventured, nothing lost.

Not sure I got that phrasing 100% right,but you get the idea.

They've got a whole bunch of new books added to their library, as well.  Here are the latest titles added to's virtual inventory:


Betty #138, #139
Betty and Veronica #221

Bloodfire Studios
Intergalatic #1-3
Kindergoth #1-4

BOOM! Studios
Challenger Deep #1
Cover Girl #1-5
Fall of Cthulhu #1, 2
Galveston #1-4
Hawks of Outremer #1
Hunter's Moon #3-5
Irredeemable #14
Poe #1-2
Unthinkable #5
Kill Audio #1-6
Cold Space #2
Incorruptible #7
Swordsmith Assassin #1, 2

Lead Pipe
Contropussy #1
Japanese School Girls in Love

Marvel (iPhone/iPad only)
Avengers #56-72
The Amazing Spider-Man #2-25 (minus #17)
Captain America #1-10
Invincible Iron Man #1-2
Iron Man V4 #2-6

Paper Street Comics:
Pencilneck #1
Careful #1

Don't know why Amazing Spider-Man No. 17 was excluded, but I'm guessing it's either:

a) Fear of audience Osborn burnout

b) Steve Ditko's having a crazypants Ayn Rand objectivist fit; or

c) Something to do with weird Human Torch licensing drama. That, after all, is how we ended up with that Fantastic Four cartoon with that metallic abomination H.E.R.B.I.E. taking Johnny's place in the group way back in the mesozoic era of Marvel animation.

I honestly have no idea, but I'm going with b), just 'cause Ditko is known for two things: his creative genius and his crazy-pants freakouts.  In any case, kudos to, and Viva La Digital Comics Revolución!

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