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Ghost Rider: SoV Concept Art Looks Great

Ghost Rider+Concept Art by Jerad S Marantz 01a

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance was a perfect storm of the very worst the entertainment industry has to offer. A terrible sequel to a terrible movie, made worse by the awful people at Marvel and Sony who sued Ghost Rider co-creator Gary Friedrich and sicced SOPA loving PR thugs on the internet.

It's a shame, because Ghost Rider is a great character and I can't help but think the right creative team could have really made it work with Nicolas Cage. Plus, the concept art from Jerad S. Marantz looked really sweet. Maybe Marvel could put this guy to work on the comics? And, you know, like not sue him and stuff?

Ghost Rider+Concept Art by Jerad S Marantz 02a

Ghost Rider+Concept Art by Jerad S Marantz 03a

Ghost Rider+Concept Art by Jerad S Marantz 04a

Ghost Rider+Concept Art by Jerad S Marantz 05a

Ghost Rider+Concept Art by Jerad S Marantz 06a

Ghost Rider+Concept Art by Jerad S Marantz 07a

Ghost Rider+Concept Art by Jerad S Marantz 08a

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