Poll: DC Comics 'New 52' - What's Your Favorite So Far? [Updated]
It's week three of the most talked about event in comics history (aside from the Death of Superman, the Clone Saga, Wertham... well look, it's a big deal, OK?), DC's 'New 52'. This week sees the integration of Wildstorm's Grifter into the new DCU, as well as the launch of Batman and Robin, Batwoman (finally!), Superboy, the protest-tacular Suicide Squad, and more. So, I've updated last week's poll and once again I want to know your favorite book so far.
I'll be doing this again next week, so I'm putting you on the honor system here - if you've voted for a tiitle already but want to vote again - for a NEW book, that's won your heart, go right ahead. But no ballot-stuffing; we all love Swamp Thing, but don't shatter my fragile faith in democracy by going back and giving him four votes or whatever. I'm trusting you here, so don't let me down (plus, I'll totally know and call you on it; I'm smart like that).
And now, let's see your votes! Also hit me up in the comments with your thoughts, good and bad, about the New 52.
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