EW: Joseph Gordon Levitt NOT Playing Falcone In Dark Knight Rises

Joseph Gordon Levitt was recently confirmed as a cast member of the upcoming third movie in Christopher Nolan's Batman franchise, The Dark Knight Rises. Although he had long been speculated to be cast as either The Riddler or Deadshot, reports from sources including The Hollywood Reporter said that he was going to be portraying Alberto Falcone, known to fans of the classic Batman: The Long Halloween as "Holiday."
Cue the message board chorus of "I knew it!"
Recant, yay-sayers, for according to Entertainment Weekly, "a source close to the situation" Levitt will not be playing Falcone. So, which villain is he gonna be? Riddler? Deaddshot? Croc (seriously doubt it)?
Place your bets, Bat-fans!

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