'Walking Dead' to Stream on Netflix
Friday, October 7, 2011 at 6:28PM | Matt Sager
Netflix is making huge inroads out of its double-trouble PR nightmare brought about by its price hike and subsequent Qwikstergate by acquiring fantastic content to stream, much of it from AMC. Breaking Bad seasons 1-3 are already available, and Netflix has confirmed that it will begin streaming The Walking Dead season 1. EW reports that the hit series is set to start streaming today, but as of this writing it's not up yet - in fact, even the DVD set has been removed from Netflix's search results.
However, I'd guess that it will be available before the weekend is through. And, if you get really desparate, you can give Castle of the Walking Dead a look while you wait.
I wouldn't recommend it, though.
tagged The Walking Dead
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