It’s exactly this sort of prejudice that spurned a young David Bowie to found the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Long-Haired Men! Let this love bloom, you unhip squares!
“His hair is long and I love him!” (via)
It’s exactly this sort of prejudice that spurned a young David Bowie to found the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Long-Haired Men! Let this love bloom, you unhip squares!
“His hair is long and I love him!” (via)
Jeezus H. Jones on a unicycle, look what I stumbled upon while looking online for the premiere date of Ashes to Ashes season 3!
Remember “The Christmas Song”? Alvin don’t want a hulu hoop anymore - he’s jonesing for something a little bit stronger.
Happy 62nd Birthday, David Bowie - singer, songwriter, Sovereign, and - as a young David Jones - founder of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Long-Haired Men.
The Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend’s take on Bing and Bowie’s “Little Drummer Boy”. Merry Christmas, Venturoos!