TARDIS Bathroom in Brooklyn Bar
Friday, February 25, 2011 at 11:50PM
Matt Sager in Doctor Who

Well, this will make Brooklyn a little less insufferable - oh Hell who am I kidding, this makes Brooklyn AWESOME!

Prosepect Heights' Way Station - described by io9 as a "Steampunk Victorian Bar" (when the Crhist did that happen?), has done a little genre-mashing by adding a TARDIS toilet!  So - Steampunk, live music, and a TARDIS you can poo in.

I suppose I'll be spending some more time in Brooklyn with all my douchebag friends. Except the ones reading this. You're totally not douchebags. I mean those other people.

The Way Station is located at 683 Washington Ave. I'd go soon, before that bathroom smells like the inside of a Dalek!

Article originally appeared on Comics Cavern (http://www.comicscavern.com/).
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